Since the Peace Corps is notoriously disorganized, don't assume that my experience is even remotely similar to other applicants' experiences. Here's what happened with me...
June 6, 2005 - Took my LSAT in Newark.
June 7, 2005 - Realized I didn't want to go to law school.
June 10, 2005 - Printed out Peace Corps information from the web site to read while taking the Chinatown bus to DC for a friend's wedding reception.
June 11, 2005 - Went to wedding reception at friend's apartment. Talked with interesting people. Realized that banking and law are not the only 2 career paths. Got drunk.
June 12, 2005 - Decided to apply.
early July, 2005 - Completed application. Heard back from Melissa in the NY recruiting office immediately. Had interview a few days later. Was nominated the day after my interview for Francophone Africa, June 2006, TEFL.
August, 2005 - Received medical and dental packets. Went to doctor's office and she was wonderful. Filled it all out at no cost to me.
August 24, 2005 - Went on date that lasted until 4am. It was a Wednesday.
August 25, 2005 - Got wallet stolen on the M105 bus. Went to dentist. Found out that I am a tooth grinder and had cracked my enamel and had 3 cavities. I'd never had a cavity before. It was a bad day.
Late November, 2005 - Finally got all cavities filled. Sent in dental and medical forms. Received dental clearance within days.
December 23, 2005 - Got "placement clearance," although I still don't really know what that means! Found out that Peace Corps needed more medical information.
December 28, 2005 - Went home to Brooklyn after Christmas in Wisconsin. Peace Corps Medical needed an updated HIV test.
January 5, 2006 - Forgot to go to doctor for HIV test.
January 6, 2006 - Remembered to go to new appointment. Test negative for HIV.
January 7, 2006 - Send test results to Peace Corps.
January 27, 2006 - Toolkit is updated to "Your invite is in the mail."
January 31, 2006 - Invite arrives. Is to Mauritania - the one country I'd told my recruiter I wouldn't go to in Africa.
February 1, 2006 - Turn down invitation. Email reasons and hope for new invite.
February 4, 2006 - Toolkit is updated again. A new invite is in the mail!
February 6, 2006 - New invite arrives! It's the fastest the Postal Service has ever delivered a letter to me. It's to Guinea - leaving June 27 - and I'm thrilled.
February 7, 2006 - Accept new invite.
February 14, 2006 - Start looking for long, cheap skirts online. Email mom to ask her to please pick up 2 skirts I found at Wal-Mart's online site. There is no Wal-Mart in NYC. Added bonus is that I don't have to feel like I'm supporting Wal-Mart and their shady corporate policies since mom will be doing the purchasing. Realize that I'm just feeling better because of a technicality.
February 15, 2006 - Decide I should start a blog. Realize I'm looking forward to wearing Wal-mart skirts and working in Guinea.