Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mass Transit Story #2

My officemate just told me a story from her commute on the C train this morning.

J. (I'm protecting her identity) got on the C train in Brooklyn this morning and managed to find a seat. Because she comes to work on time, unlike me, this is a rare occurrence. She noticed that the man next to her was homeless and smelled quite a bit, but didn't get up. (That's Subway Rules 101 for you - if there is a crowded train with a spare seat, it usually has gum stuck to it or a drunk/homeless/belligerent man next to it)

Anyway, she was sitting and ignoring the smell. Then the man put his hand down his pants and started jerking off. J. couldn't tell what was going on for a bit because she didn't want to make eye contact. When she finally did, he smiled at her in a gross way and continued playing with himself.

I asked J. what she did - did she get off the train? Move to another car?

Her response: "I didn't move."

Me: "Are you serious?? Why not? That's disgusting!!!"

Her: "Well, I rarely get a seat on the C in the mornings. And it didn't look like he was going to finish until after we got to my stop."

That's mass transit for you.


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