Monday, November 03, 2008

Au Revoir...

I think it's time to retire the blog. Especially since I'm fairly certain I'm the only one who will ever read this entry!

The Epilogue:

Morocco was amazing and not freezing like the last time. Diane and mom had a great time and Camilo and I loved showing them around.

Cam and I moved to DC and are living in the Ballston area of Arlington. We have a nice apartment, a car and all the cheese a girl could ask for available round the clock.

I got a job working for the Grameen Foundation ( and start on Wednesday. It will be very exciting and is the best possible scenario that I could have imagined for my return to employment!

Life is good, but fairly predictable. So I don't think anyone will be interested in what I'm up to anymore...but if you are a person considering joining the Peace Corps, I absolutely recommend it. An Obama canvasser stopped Cam and I the other day (he wanted money, we have none, but did both vote already...) and he said he was in the process of applying to PC. Guinea is amazing but I'm sure the experience can be found in many countries and I wouldn't hesitate to make the same decision to join!

Thanks for reading...
