Tuesday, April 18, 2006


One of the great things about leaving for the Peace Corps is that your friends and family get to tell you how much they love you and will miss you and you get to return the sentiment. I've also had the chance to take stock of the people in my life and am able to really appreciate how fortunate I've been to have such wonderful friends from childhood through college and now that I'm in New York.

Anyway, I received an unexpectedly heartwarming email yesterday, from a manager at Chacos, Inc. I know that my family and friends are happy for me and are proud of me, but I wasn't expecting such a nice email from a Chacos manager! They provide their sandals at 50% off for all Peace Corps volunteers...here is what he wrote...

"Thanks very much for your order. I've entered it on our sale number PRUS 549 and it will ship by April 20th. Thanks even more for your service as a PCV. You and your colleagues are our heroes! Best of luck in Guinea and let us know if we can be of any further assistance."
Isn't that so sweet? What nice folks there at Chacos.

Heroes is definitely overstating it, but I'll accept his appreciation anyway!


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