Friday, April 18, 2008


I'm not looking to return to the US with schisto again, but the water was not exactly the cleanest. That being said, it was the 8th year of the camping trip and no one has gotten sick before. Some of the tough people jumped from about 2/3rds of the way up. Not me. I promised my family I'd do everything in my power to return in one piece!

One of the highlights was seeing a pack of baboons on the way back to Timbi. There must have been 25 of them! My mom always asks if I've seen any animals recently. Since she doesn't count chickens, goats, sheep or lizards I always respond no. But not the last time we talked! It was cool. Unfortunately, my camera is pretty cheap and we had to stay far away so we didn't scare them off, so all the baboons look like branches. Not worth posting. :(


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