Friday, March 28, 2008

Guard Sex

Omg. Ewww. Guess what? Last week I was cooking dinner at about 6pm and I realized that my guard and his wife were in their room - it's attached to my house but has a separate door, one that is just outside my kitchen. They had the door open, but there's a curtain hanging over it.

Anyway, I'm minding my own business and all of a sudden I hear some moaning and groaning. EWWWWW. So I start clearing my throat and coughing, hoping they'll get the hint. No luck. Finally, I turned on some music, but it didn't completely drown out the sound. And I can't remember what I was cooking, but I really couldn't just leave it. It was gross. I was glad when it was over.

About 2 days after that the wife asked me how much it cost to go to Conakry and I told her (it's about $13, in case you care to make the trip someday). A few days later I realized I hadn't seen her, or my guard, for a couple days. My neighbor told me that she left him and didn't say goodbye, so he'd gone back to the village to try and find her. He came back, alone, a day later and told me that she'd gone to Kindia, which is about 7 hours away.

Here's the thing. He's about 40. She was apparently 15. If you marry a child, don't be surprised when she acts like one.


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