Friday, March 28, 2008

Drunk student

Okay, I'm going to try and write about a couple things in a series of short blog entries. Starting with the DRUNK STUDENT that showed up in my class 2 weeks ago! He has since sobered up, but I couldn't believe it. He was drunk. At 8:30am. I would love to know where he found alcohol actually, it's been a rough couple weeks and it would be nice to have a cold beer or two at the end of the day.

So he was drunk. And hadn't been in my class before. Apparently he had a motorcycle accident or something and had been in the hospital. Anyway, he was so disruptive, saying things like "Oh, no, Mrs. I think we should do the exercise this way instead." And I said "I am the teacher. I don't even know you. You are drunk. Leave me alone and let me teach." Finally I forbade him from speaking.

As I'm writing this I realize that I can't properly explain why it's so funny that he was drunk in my class. I'm going to stop, because it's just not interesting for you. Trust me - it was funny for me! The next story is funnier, I promise.


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