Friday, March 28, 2008

French lady

Imagine my surprise 3 weeks ago when I saw an older white lady at my school! Then I realized she was French and I got nervous to talk to her - I have severely Guinean French, and was really embarrassed to introduce myself. Turns out she's a retired Physics professor and was just in Guinea for a couple weeks on a project. She was really nice and didn't seem to have a problem understanding me - and she was good at Special French, speaking nice and slowly so I could understand her. All was going swimmingly, and then she invited me to join her and her colleagues for lunch. Never pass up a free lunch.

So I got in the car and started telling her about all the teachers that my school is missing, namely, a French teacher for the middle school. Kind of a big problem. I thought I was doing a good job explaining myself, but I could just tell she didn't understand me. It was so embarrassing! I got all quiet and was so ashamed. Then we sat down for lunch and she asked me to switch seats with her, because she's deaf in her left ear and wanted to be able to hear me! I was so happy! Not that she had a hearing problem, but that it wasn't that my French sucked that she couldn't understand me!

Yay for me! I talked to a real French lady for 2 hours!


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