Friday, May 12, 2006


Heidi came to visit last weekend and we had the most amazing time. We ate amazing food, got incredibly drunk, danced a lot, called too many people too early in the morning AND saw David Blaine in his bubble, which was much cooler than I thought it would be. The only way it would have been cooler is if we'd gotten there later in the weekend, once his skin had started peeling off. Hmm, or maybe that would have just been disgusting??!!

I'll post some pictures once she sends them.

Highlights from the weekend:

  • The Bodies exhibit. For those of you who think it's gross and/or are sketched out because the bodies may or may not have been Chinese prisoners who did not give consent for their bodies to be displayed to millions of people, you have a point. That being said, it was very cool and not nearly as creepy as expected.
  • We ate at: Extra Virgin (my favorite restaurant in the city), Dos Caminos, Tenement, Cafe Gitane, and Markt. Yes, we ate a lot. And it was delicious. Plus, the weekend was gorgeous and we dined al fresco everywhere. Yum.
  • David Blaine in his bubble. Hilarious. Lots of people were tapping on the bubble to get his attention. We would have gladly joined in, but the line was too long.
  • Heidi also got to see Central Park, all the 5th Avenue shopping, all of SoHo, and we did an accidental bar crawl of the LES.
  • On Saturday night we ended up dancing with my friend Megan and a bunch of other people. We danced on a barrel, we danced together, we danced with boys (tastefully, of course...) Then -
  • We called her husband, our friend Casey and my roommate. After 4am. From a cab. Oops. According to my roommate, I left a message: "Hey Aruna, it's Jen. Call me when you get this." She was worried I'd locked myself out and is a kick-ass roommate, so she called me back. I told her we wanted to know where she was so we could meet her out! She was like, uh, sorry, but I'm home. When we got home we wanted Papa John's. Here are the numbers I dialed trying to reach them:

1. 212-834-0400

2. 718-384-404001

3. 783-840-04000 and, finally,

4. 718-384-0400.

Then I got their voicemail, since they don't deliver pizza at 4:30. The nerve. We made mac & cheese, which I'm still finding in my apartment days later.

  • Ultimately, though, the highlight for me was getting Heidi to myself for 3 days. She's been my friend since 4th grade and I feel really lucky to have her in my life. I also feel really lucky to have been able to spend so much quality time together, since we live so far away from one another. It was an incredible weekend full of fun, laughter and debauchery. The perfect weekend to cap off almost 3 incredible years here in NYC.


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