Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Well, it's Christmas. We have some music playing and have already watched Love Actually twice, so that's a start. A bunch of volunteers got packages with Christmas goodies and we have the house "decorated" with a tree and everything. The tree is 3 feet tall and was sent by my friend's parents, and is much appreciated. Today a bunch of volunteers left for the islands off the coast of Conakry (where there isn't trash on the beach and no danger of getting a staph infection from swimming, which makes it very dissimilar to the rest of the coast around here). I stayed behind to make some Christmas dinner and generally be a bum.

Camilo and I exchanged presents last night. He was just in Spain and France, so his presents were slightly better than mine.

I got him (purchased from the one mediocre grocery store here unless otherwise noted):

a stocking with an angel on it
a Heinekin
a yo-yo
elephant pants (blue with black elephants, bought at a little souvenir-type place)
5 bars of white chocolate (at almost $4, this was the most expensive present)
a little book to write stuff in, cause he liked mine
a manicure set

He got me:

2 frying pans from Colombia (thanks to his mom!)
a pair of earrings and a necklace (also thanks to his mom!)
an Ipod charger
Justin Timberlake's new CD
a bag that looks like one he has from Colombia
Cheese tortellini
all season 3 Grey's Anatomy downloaded to his Ipod

Umm, who got better gifts?? I think it was me. I'll have to do better next year. At least I'll have a chance to leave Guinea to find something. He does have a book arriving from Amazon from me, but it didn't get here in time. Boo.

Anyway, things are good. Sierra Leone plans are still up in the air, but we are going, inchallah.

Merry Christmas everyone!


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