Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Waiting Game

You know how on movies like Pride and Prejudice the women sit around and get so excited about receiving a letter, because it breaks up what is a very boring life/day? That's how I'm feeling today. Like some 18th century housebound woman. Except that I don't have a house and I do have a cell phone, portable DVD player and internet access. Whatever. The sentiment is timeless.

Rose should be arriving, but I'm just waiting for it to happen. My parents should call this weekend, but I'm waiting for that too. Ramadan will be over in less than 3 weeks, and I can't wait for that either. School will give me something to do. And once I overcome my inertia and get my butt running or biking that will keep me occupied as well.

While training was an absolute pain and left me exhausted for weeks, it served a valuable purpose. In addition to being a good balance between going from seeing all Americans to all Guineans, it also made me happy to finally be at site so I could cook for myself, have control over my own schedule and finally catch up on sleep. This time around I'm having to adjust without the comforts that training brought us. I was so happy to have nothing to do at this time last year, but now I'm just bored!

The Egypt tickets will be purchased in October. I can't believe I've been here 2 weeks and am already buying a ticket to leave. Last time I felt so stuck in Guinea, like it would be too difficult and too much of a pain to leave W. Africa until school was over. This time I don't feel that way at all. The only way to finish another 2 years of service is to be realistic about wanting to travel to more developed places and enjoy the sights, food and trash cans.

Okay, I'm off to try and find some street food to eat covertly so as not to offend those who are observing the fast...even though I'm just sure that many people cheat here. As they should. It's so hot that I can't imagine actually going 30 days without drinking or eating and staying healthy. Besides, why is there street food during the day if no one is cheating? It's not like there are a lot of Christian people around...


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