Thursday, February 15, 2007

They don't make it easy to COS

Here's an approximate transcript from a conversation I had yesterday with a PC staff member:

Me: Hi, I need to get a COS (Close-of-service) packet.
Staff: Have you picked a day to COS?
Me: No, I don't know what days I have to choose from.
Staff: Well, until you choose a day I can't give you a packet.
Me: What are my options?
Staff: Just pick a day.
Me: February 20th.
Staff: That doesn't work. You have to choose another day and come to me when you are ready.

Oh, my God. I was ready to freak out!!! I know that the PC staff is competely overworked and they have a lot on their minds, but I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone: Bamako.

Today a couple people from DC are here to help us, so hopefully they will give me a packet! I know we have to get physicals and take a bunch of tests and do some legal stuff, but I'm just ready to get it over with and start traveling. The food here, which was so yummy in the beginning, is grossing me out. I would cut off my left pinkie for a turkey sandwich.


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