Thursday, February 22, 2007

And I'm off...

The bags are almost packed. Laundry is done. My reenrollment packet is turned in. The guide will be waiting for us in Dogon. We are ready.

I'm told that my medical clearance to leave PC should be sufficient to reenroll. Although that makes intuitive sense, it's still the government, so we'll see. But if that's the case, as soon as my packet and medical make their way to DC I should be able to get an invite. The sooner I know where I'm going, the better.

I emailed the Mauritania Country Director (he's actually here in Mali overseeing our transition) to ask him if he could provide a hotel recommendation or info about PCVs in the area. He wrote back immediately and said he'd pick us up at the airport and that we can stay in one of his guest bedrooms! He's also going to put us in touch with other PCVs. How ridiculously nice is that? If our experience at the embassy and with him is any indication, we are going to have a fantastic trip. We also confirmed that it's safe to travel through the Western Sahara to get to Morocco. Apparently you just have to stay on the highway because there *might* be landmines off the roads. But the highway is nice and new and built by the Spanish, so that should work out.

Okay, wish me luck as I temporarily become an RPCV. I'll be sure to keep posting pictures and updating the blog...


At 8:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Best of luck Jen! I am headed out to Uganda on Friday, and I know of at least 3 other G13ers going there too. You know you will always be welcome to visit in Uganda!


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