Friday, January 05, 2007

Strikes are coming

And G13 isn't arriving until the end of the month. Strikes start on January 10th. I'm headed back to Mamou with a bunch of books on Sunday. I'll write more about this later, but it shouldn't be a big deal at all. The only concern is that there will be a gas crisis and it will be impossible to keep the PC office open (cause it's virtually all generated power here). If that happens they are required to evacuate us until it's over. I hope that doesn't happen cause I am looking forward to getting back to site.

If anyone is supposed to come over with G13 and they or their parents are freaking out, feel free to contact me. You can find me on Facebook or leave a comment here, cause I'll be able to check the internet from site. I'm going to update again before I leave Conakry.

Hope you enjoy the pictures from Sierra Leone!


At 12:34 PM, Blogger dtrav said...

Hey Jen, came across your blog via a google news alert. I'm traveling to Conakry Jan 19 07. Could you say a bit about what effect the strike may have on the city ... food, water, services, safety, etc?

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Hey there - well, I haven't been here during strikes before, but my understanding is that here in Conakry and in other big towns the markets will be open. This strike will involve political opposition, which makes it a bigger deal than the last, although we don't know how much of a bigger deal. I'd anticipate that you are going to be stuck in Conakry until it's over (although it could very well be done by the 19th). The transport will be shut down. I'd check and see if you can find information around the 16th, because I've heard there might be protests on the 15th. But I wouldn't be too concerned if I were you. Just be prepared to hang out in a hostel for a couple days before heading anywhere up country. Good luck!!

To summarize - you'll have no problems with food or water. Transport might be an issue and I'd double check the news to see how the protests went. Du courage!

At 3:16 AM, Blogger dtrav said...

Jen, thanks so much for the prompt reply; the update is well appreciated.

I'll be studying african drumming with Famoudou Konate in Simbaya Gare, Conakry. Friends who are there now say they're restricted to the compound starting 1/10 ... I may be as well. Merci bien!

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

Hi Jen,

My son was to arrive in guinea mid january but has now been delayed until February. I found your blog when I googled "Guinea strike". I want to thank you for all the good info and the pictures. Reading/seeing has reassured me that he will be safe and happy. Not at all the dark, lifeless little hut out in the wilds I had imagined! We are now in the process of packing and wondering what we are packing that we won't need and what we are leaving out that we will need! Best of luck to you and thanks again!


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